Organisation : INRIA

Type : Research insitute

Technical Contact : Emmanuel JEANNOT

E-mail :

Telephone : +33 524 574 093

Address : 200, avenue de la Vieille Tour

Place : 33405 TALENCE

Country : FRANCE

Inria is a public science and technology institution established in 1967. Inria is dedicated to fundamental and applied research in Information and Communication Science and Technology (ICST). Inria also plays a major role in technology transfer by fostering training through research and development, diffusion of scientific and technical information, as well as providing expert advice and participating in international programs.

Combining computer sciences with mathematics, Inria’s 3,400 researchers strive to invent the digital technologies of the future. Educated at leading international universities, they creatively integrate basic research with applied research and dedicate themselves to solving real problems, collaborating with the main players in public and private research in France and abroad and transferring the fruits of their work to innovative companies.

The INRIA Runtime team works in the high-performance and Exascale parallel computing domain. It has built a strong expertise in the studies and design as well as the development and evaluation of the principles that are in the heart of parallel runtime systems. Example of such developments are: Hwloc a software package that provides a portable abstraction (e.g. across OS, versions, architectures) of the hierarchical topology of modern architectures, Treematch a library for performing process placement on NUMA architectures.