Rejoignez-nous sur nos prochains salons et séminaires : |
|  | Au terme des quatre premières années de l'initiative Pack Quantique, dispositif de co-financement, par la Région, de projets d'exploration du calcul quantique appliqué à des cas d'usage industriels, nous vous proposons de nous retrouver pour partager les résultats des premiers projets menés par Air Liquide, Airbus, Alice & Bob, C12, EDF, Inria, IQM, Matmut, Multiverse Computing, Natixis, Naval Group, Onera, Pasqal, QbitSoft, Quandela, Quantinuum, Qubit Pharmaceuticals, Thales. Après une matinée consacrée à la présentation des différents projets, l'après-midi sera dédiée à de nombreux ateliers. 14h00 - Méthodes de calcul hybrides pour résoudre des problèmes d'optimisation combinatoire (PASQAL – EDF)
- Approche photonique pour l'application au routage de drones (QUANDELA)
- Evolutions possibles des Packs et industrialisation
14h40 - L'informatique quantique au service de la détection de fraude à l'assurance (QbitSoft)
- Comment l'ordinateur quantique peut booster le design de nouveaux matériaux pour l'industrie ? (IQM)
- Overview of the chemical problem in a drug discovery perspective (Qubit Pharmaceuticals)
15h20 - Modélisation et algorithmes pour le calcul quantique : réseaux de tenseurs et algèbres de Lie (MULTIVERSE – THALES)
- Simulation of Atomic Layer Deposition with a carbon nanotube-based quantum computer and emulation results (C12 – QUANTINUUM – AIR LIQUIDE)
- Calcul quantique à basse consommation énergétique pour un développement durable (PASQAL)
⏩RDV le 24 avril 2024 - 9h30 à 17h00 - EDF Lab Paris-Saclay. | | |
| 2nd TQCI International Seminar on Benchmarks for Quantum Computers. We invite you to join us for a second edition of the TQCI seminar dedicated to the state of progress of various benchmarking initiatives for quantum computers. Following our first meeting in 2023, this will be an opportunity to review the progress of the French BACQ project and other European and International projects in the field, to discover new initiatives and gain an overview of various strategies. The seminar will gather international experts among which : - The Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO)
- The Delf University of Technology (TUDELFT)
- The Fraunhofer Institute (IKS)
- Jülich supercomputing center (JSC)
- CUCO the spanish initiative
- EuroHPC
- European commission DGConnect
- The Technology Innovation Institute of UAE
- The NATO perspective
- The American Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
- The Science and Technology Directorate of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS S&T)
- The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
- French and international QPU providers and industrial users
- ....and more to come
Organized by Teratec, LNE and Thales, in collaboration with URCA, this seminar is a not to be missed opportunity to exchange with the main experts in the field. 📅 When : From June 4, 2024, 1:00 PM until June 5, 2024, 3:00 PM 📍 Location : Campus Croix-Rouge, URCA (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne), 57 rue Pierre Taittinger, Reims, France | | |
 | France Quantum Conference is back for its 3rd edition on May 21st at Station F. Since 2022, France Quantum aims at promoting the French Quantum ecosystem and underlining the best use cases & the latest insight on quantum technologies.
Don't miss a chance to discover Europe's biggest quantum event, with over 1,000 participants expected, gathering key public and private stakeholders (research laboratories, major CAC40 companies, startups, investors, students...). Teratec is glad, as France Quantum partner, to offer you a ticket for free for the next edition! Only 30 available, so don't wait to get yours. | |
|  | L’initiative HQI (France Hybrid HPC Quantum Initiative), issue de la Stratégie Nationale Quantique, établit son Village Quantique, en plein coeur de Vivatech pour la seconde année consécutive. Sponsorisé par EVIDEN, OVHcloud et Quantonation, le Quantum Village by HQI hébergera 12 start-ups tout au long des quatre jours. De nombreux speakers issus de ces start-ups, de différentes industries, mais aussi de laboratoires de recherche se relaieront sur le stand pour présenter leurs enjeux et échanger avec les publics présents. Venez à la rencontre de notre écosystème sur le stand L12, des 22 au 25 mai prochains ! | |
| | SAVE THE DATE : September 5th Seminar on the industrialization and deployment of quantum computing technologies: how to scale up? Quantum computing technologies and their uses are currently at a low level of maturity, with little homogeneity. Scaling them up and making them operational still requires the resolution of a number of challenges, and we invite you to join us for the 10th TQCI seminar, devoted to the various issues involved in industrializing and deploying quantum computing. 1. The Necessary Human Skills: What are the essential skills that need to be developed now to be ready on time? We'll look at the training currently available, as well as that which needs to be implemented to meet the identified requirements. 2. Enabling Technologies: What are the challenges and latest advances in technologies needed for the various components of QPU quantum computing, control methods and interfacing with classical technologies. What challenges must they meet to provide the conditions for real use of quantum computing in the industrial world? 3. Challenges facing software and hardware suppliers: We'll be talking to various suppliers, who will be presenting the challenges they face and their strategies for meeting them. 4. The point of view of industrial users: We'll be talking to companies who have been involved in the first experiments for several years, and those who are now embarking on the adventure. We'll explore their perspectives, their feedback and their visions for the future. Organized in partnership with IBM, this seminar will take place on September 5 from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm. 📍IBM - 17 avenue de l’Europe 92275 Bois- Colombes |
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| SAVE THE DATE : November 13th and 14th The algorithm path to use Quantum Computing at Scale // Quantum Sensing for the industries Recent progresses related to the hardware part of Quantum Computers (QC) allows to think that if the Quantum Winter shows, it won’t be only due to the hardware. During the two days of the conference, we’ll show what remains to scale the algorithms and the integration of QPUs. We’ll discuss about optimizing the energetical footprint, the algorithmic aspects of integration of QPUs, Quantum Parallelization, recent advances in Quantum optimization, Quantum Material Science, Quantum chemistry and Quantum Machine Learning. During a parallel session we’ll take a deep dive on Quantum Sensing. A workshop between industries and sensors providers will allow to match the industries needs with the sensors providers. Book these two days now, further information will follow 📍EDF Lab Paris-Saclay | |
| Campus Teratec - 2 rue de la Piquetterie, 91680, BRUYERES-LE-CHATEL |
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