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TERATEC 2019 Forum
Plenary sessions
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Teratec to support European HPC
Daniel VERWAERDE, President and Founder of Teratec
Teratec was created nearly 15 years ago in order to promote the development and control of HPC, fostering its use in industry and more generally in the economy.
For several years, the European Commission has made HPC technologies and their use one of its priorities. To this end, it has launched major initiatives such as the European Technology Platform for High Performance Computing (ETP4HPC) and the EuroHPC "Joint-Undertaking" approved by the Council of Ministers of member States on September 28, 2018. Embodying this policy with its concrete expression, significant resources are being set up commensurate with challenges mobilizing members States of the European Union.
This European policy is strongly supported by the French government thanks to perfect alignment of European and national strategies of member States. As a result, EuroHPC should take over a number of actions that have hitherto been financed and piloted at the French level. That is why it seemed very important to us that the 2019 session of our Forum should focus on this European HPC policy.
Strengthening our action in Europe has become a strategic priority for Teratec indeed, for three reasons.
First, the European Commission and EuroHPC have just called on Teratec to express the need of HPC user companies in Europe and to represent them. We must quickly structure this approach initiated at the end of 2018, so that Teratec has a perfectly defined role alongside other partnering European bodies in the future relationship between EuroHPC and user companies. Being launched with major European companies, this strategy will have to be extended to the entire economic framework in a form which remains to be defined, in particular towards SMEs and Midcaps;
Second, is related to the "Development of digital technologies supply chain in Europe" component of EuroHPC, which opens up a tremendous opportunity for all Teratec members as technology providers. They are well represented in EuroHPC already, as the EuroHPC Research and Industry Advisory Group itself composed of a significant proportion of ETP4HPC representatives, including many Teratec members. Teratec must therefore promote technological development projects shared by its members, which may be proposed for co-financing by EuroHPC;
And, last reason is linked to changes in French policy in terms of supporting initiatives for HPC which intends to rely more on European programmes, whether for dissemination in the industrial framework or for launching technological or sectoral initiatives. Actions already carried out by Teratec and pursued in these important areas will have to be integrated into the European programmes in which Teratec intends to contribute.
On these topics, our Forum will be highlighted by three particularly important interventions:
European Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society, Mrs Mariya Gabriel will present EuroHPC and more generally Europe's HPC policy.
Vice-President of the National Industry Council, Mr Philippe Varin also acting as President of France-Industry will share his vision of the development needs for French industry in terms of the use of HPC technologies.
new Director of the Defence Innovation Agency, Mr Emmanuel Chiva will present the missions and expectations of the French Ministry of the Armed Forces related to innovation in our field.

© Pascal Guittet - L'Usine Nouvelle
BBiography : Daniel Verwaerde was the head of CEA, the french Atomic Energy Commission until 2018, He previously was in charge of the Defense Division of CEA.
In 1996, he was designated as the first « Director for Simulation » (the french Science based Stockpile Stewardship) when France decided to stop nuclear testing. In year 2000, he proposed to the French Government to extend the benefits of Simulation to economy and private industry, that paved the way to create Teratec and the « Computing Center for Research and Technology », which provides access to Supercomputers for private industrial companies.
Daniel Verwaerde is Mathematics engineer. He developed numerical methods to solve Partial Differential Equations on High Performance Computers.
Daniel Verwaerde graduated from École Centrale de Paris in 1977, where he is still teaching « Applied Mathematics for HPC ». |
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For further information about the plenary sessions, please contact:
Jean-Pascal JEGU
Tél : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10 - Mob.: +33 (0)6 11 44 49 59
2, rue de la Piquetterie