> > Workshops > Workshop 3
Workshops - Wednesday June 12
Workshop 3 - 09:00 to 12:30
Environment, natural resources and climate change
Chaired byFrançois ROBIDA, Head of Data, digital infrastructures and services Programme, BRGM
Environment, natural resources and climate change
By François ROBIDA, Deputy Director - Infrastructures and Digital Services, BRGM
Global climate change and the increasing scarcity of natural resources are committing society to an unprecedented environmental transition that clearly raises societal challenges. Yet, it is also a source of innovation and technological development. Forecasting and decision-making tools along with facilitated access to considerable amounts of data and means of calculation play a major role in providing solutions to major contemporary challenges such as climate change, water management, rational management of mineral resources, new energy needs, natural hazards, water as well as soil pollution. This is the key challenge of numerical forecasting systems developed in most recent years.
Biographie : François Robida est Directeur du Programme scientifique « Données, Services et Infrastructures Numériques » au BRGM. Ingénieur des Mines, spécialisé en géostatistique, il a été en charge du développement de logiciels dans le domaine de la géologie et de la mine. Co-pilote du programme « Terre Virtuelle » en 2001, il a contribué au développement de l’interopérabilité des données en géosciences et piloté des groupes d’experts pour la directive européenne INSPIRE. Il est membre du board de l’OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium), et du High Level Expert Group de EOSC (European Open Science Cloud); il est également Chair de la Commission internationale pour l’information en géosciences (IUGS/CGI). |
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- TERATEC Forum is strictly reserved for professionals.
- Participation to exhibition, conferences and workshops is free (subject to seats available)
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- The Vigipirate security plan being raised to its highest level, it is mandatory to register online in advance and come with an identity card order to participate in TERATEC Forum.
- The badge is free of charge and give you access to all events TERATEC Forum.
For any other information regarding the workshops, please contact :
Jean-Pascal JEGU
Tel : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10
2, rue de la Piquetterie