> > Ateliers > Atelier 3
Atelier 03 - de 09h00 à 12h30
HPC et codes de calcul : un écosystème en perpétuelle évolution
Présidé par Cyril Baudry, Architecte SI scientifique, EDF R&D
et Jean-Albert Vilmer, Regional Director EMEA South, MSC Software Hexagon
Partnership with Fujitsu means Cradle CFD customers can complete previously unfeasible simulations faster than ever before
Par Virginie Turc, Cradle Business Developer EMEA, Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence
Not so many Computational Fluid Dynamics Software can mention they have been tested on Fugaku supercomputer in Japan. In this presentation, we will see how Cradle CFD is helping aerospace engineers to analyze transonic compressible fluid around an aeroplane in a much faster and detail ways than ever.
The simulation case was as complex as below :
- Comprised approximately 230 million elements
- Was tested using 4,000 nodes (192,000 computing cores)
- Used 48,000 processes via Message Passing Interface (MPI)
Using the power of the ARM-based Fugaku computer architecture to achieve complex simulations through a new partnership allowed to increase innovation while reducing cost and time to market. This would not have been possible without a specific attention to scalability.
Biographie : after 2 engineering degrees, Virginie crossed the mirror for Sales and Business development and acquired skills in Strategic leadership, Management, and Marketing. She deeply believes that innovation and creative mindset are necessary to achieve the challenges of tomorrow. With current new technologies like Machine learning tools, Digital twins, Simulation Tools, Immersive tools ( AR/VR), connecting the dots with imagination will shape a better future and increase productivity. Passionate and track-record driven, she likes to define strategy and goals aligned with customers pains or expectations. |
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