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Forum TERATEC 2018
Atelier 1 - Mercredi 20 juin de 09h00 à 12h30


Open-Data and HPC at the Core of Mobility in Smart Cities.
François BODIN, Professeur, IRISA de Rennes

In this presentation we present how open-data can contribute to improve mobility using a set of examples from Rennes Metropoles Initiatives. The first example addresses air-quality measurement using mobile sensors and the corresponding data logistic. The second topic illustrates how public transportation and time constraints generators (here for the students) can be studied in order to provide better mobility efficiency. Finally, we show how city digital twins and HPC are intimately linked.

Biographie : François BODIN is presently Professor at the University of Rennes I. He was the founder and CTO of the former company Caps-Enterprise specialized in programming tools for high performance computing (HCP). He is also at the origin of another company, Tocea that focuses on control of source code quality and refactoring (now part of Metrixware). His research contributions include new approaches for exploiting high performance processors in scientific computing and in embedded applications. He held various positions including Chairman of the Irisa computer science laboratory in Rennes. He has been involved in many European projects as PI as well as Technical Director. His activity currently focuses on the convergence between HPC and data technologies. He is the holder of the chair “Mobility in a sustainable city” awarded by the Rennes 1 Foundation.

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