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Accueil > Forum TERATEC > Espace Projets Forum TERATEC 2017
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SYSTEMATIC Paris Région Systems & ICT Cluster 8, avenue de la Vauve - 91120 Palaiseau Phone : +331 69 08 06 66 - Cell : +336 03 23 20 01 Site web | Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook Chahinez HAMLAOUI |
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Présentation du projet : From research and development to planning and production, products are more and more taking shape in the virtual world. The fast development of simulation technologies dictates one of the fundamental economic challenge of our time. Vibro-acoustics is a classical multi-physics simulation problem, which requires to model and solve altogether a number of vibrating structures in one or several fluid domains (for example to compute the sound radiated through a structure). The CaViAR project aims at improving the existing methods in vibro-acoustic coupling. In the context of the growing development of lightweight materials (in view of reducing the emissions) nearly all mechanical industries have to rely on vibro-acoustic simulation to maintain the noise performance of their product and remain competitive. The first technological challenge concerns the coupling of non-matching approximation basis across non-conforming grid interfaces. The project CaViAR aims at proposing new methods for a robust evaluation of the coupling terms in the presence of strong order and/or mesh size discontinuities. The second technological challenge deals with the solving of the large global coupled system. At high frequency, the number of unknowns in a real-life engineering vibro-acoustic problem can exceed 100 million unknowns. Domain Decomposition Methods appears as an appropriate alternative for this class of problems, combining the advantages of direct and iterative solvers by reducing the initial global coupled problem to an interface continuity problem. High performance domain decomposition methods will be examined and implemented within CaViAR. |
![]() Modèles réduits pour la Conception Amont de Systèmes Industriels Fiables
Présentation du projet : MECASIF targets a significant breakthrough in the building and usage of parametric Reduced Order Models suitable for highly nonlinear propagative and/or convective phenomena. The goal is to bridge a gap CSDL's conclusions pointed as a limitation, in many representative industrial design workflows, that still prevents a general deployment of ROMs in support of safe and optimal design. The major innovation that MECASIF will deliver is related to four basic difficulties it will have to overcome :
Présentation du projet : The main goal of MUSICAS is to demonstrate that the rational integration of existing software in a business infrastructure, complemented by a limited multiphysics modelling R&D of the welding process, can lead to automating processes, corresponding to the actual methodologies in the industry. The project's objective is to achieve and qualify a competitive demonstrator of a consistent and scalable solution including:
![]() Virtual Integrated Platform for Embedded System
Présentation du projet : The VIPES project intends to propose a simulation environment, real time, compatible with the FMI standard, dedicated to the development of embedded systems, allowing the execution of the software on a virtual hardware platform representative of the real product. In addition to software integration (down to the lower layers), this environment will allow us to integrate in co-simulation environments that link together multi-physical modeling tools and heterogeneous ones, in order to offer a hybrid simulation More exhaustive. The VIPES environment will also support the simulation of aging, fault injection on the hardware architecture while being a platform supporting safety studies. A third aspect that will be covered by the VIPES environment is the opening to architecture exploration and hardware and software distribution choices very early in the design phases. |
Pour toute autre information concernant l'Espace Projets Collaboratifs, prière de contacter :
Jean-Pascal JEGU
Tél : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10 - Mob.: +33 (0)6 11 44 49 59
2, rue de la Piquetterie