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Forum TERATEC 2013
Atelier 5 - Mercredi 26 juin de 14h00 à 18h00
Le HPC dans la santé


High performance computing and simulation in medicine: scope and challenges

François BALLET
MD, PhD, Président du Comité R&D MEDICEN Paris Region

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Abstract : A major challenge in medicine is the translation of massive amount of data generated by the genomics revolution and high-throughput analysis technologies into new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for the benefit of the patients. Potent computing and simulation tools are necessary for understanding how the complex networks of interacting components of biological systems are modified in the course of diseases and identifying what are the key molecular targets and pathways for new diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. Innovative computational models are also being used to design “in silico” new drug molecules and to predict their pharmacological or toxicological properties. Another area of interest is the study of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics properties of new drug candidates in order to determine optimal dosing regimen in human. Extracting knowledge from the massive amount of data generated by clinical trials represents formidable mathematical and computational challenge. Subgroup analyses can provide evidence for sub-populations that may have greater benefit from the treatment, supporting a personalized medicine approach. Innovative epidemiological and statistical methods are also needed for the detection of rare adverse events during clinical development or post-marketing as part of drug surveillance. Combining high performance computing and medical imaging modalities, such as CT, MRI, PET, and ultrasound, has dramatically impacted biomedical research and changed medical practice. However, future developments in medical imaging will require the concomitant increases in processing power. Finally the processing of massive data generated by the development of e-health solutions e.g. electronic health record, smart systems and telemedicine represents a major challenge in term of data storage and high performance computing solutions. Implementation of e-health technologies potentially addresses the ever increasing costs of healthcare and the medical challenges resulting from population growth and ageing.

Biographie : Dr. Ballet holds an MD degree from the University of Paris and a PhD in Pharmacology. He is board certified in Hepatology and Gastroenterology. He joined Inserm (French National Institute of Health) in 1980 as a research scientist. In 1985, he became head of Liver Physiology and Pharmacology group at Inserm at Hospital Saint-Antoine in Paris where he also worked between 1979 and 1989 as a consulting Hepatologist and Gastroenterologist. In 1989, he joined Rhône-Poulenc Rorer at Vitry-sur-Seine, France in the Drug Safety Department as Director of Investigative and Genetic Toxicology and in 1996 he was appointed head of the Drug Safety Department. In 1999, following the merger of Rhône-Poulenc Rorer and Hoechst Marion Roussel, he was appointed Vice-President at Aventis Pharma in charge of the R&D Operations in France and UK. In 2004, following the merger of Aventis Pharma and Sanofi, he was appointed Scientific Secretary General of Sanofi-Aventis R&D International Development and Medical Affairs. In 2010 he joined Medicen Paris Region, the Paris Region Biocluster, as chairman of the R&D board and in 2012 he was appointed chairman of the board of the newly created Cardiometabolism and Nutrition Institute (IHU ICAN) at Pitié-Salpêtrière University Hospital in Paris.



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