Organisation : TERATEC

Type : Association

Technical Contact : Jean-Pascal JEGU

E-mail :

Telephone : +33 970 650 210

Address : Campus TERATEC - 2, rue de la Piquetterie


Country : FRANCE

Teratec is a European industrial initiative to improve industrial mastery in the numerical simulation and HPC sector, which is crucial to keeping Europe competitive and innovating. One such initiative is ETP4HPC, an european platform to accelerate the development of European technologies at every step of the HPC chain, these technologies being now essential to almost all industry sectors.

Teratec helps set up and promote European research projects by industrial companies, technology suppliers, and major research centers via R&D programs in France (competitiveness clusters including Systematic Paris-Région, and the French National Research Agency) and in Europe (PCRD, Horizon 2020, ITEA2).

Teratec supports technological SME’s and start-ups in their actions to value their expertise and their offers. It also facilitates their access to industry leaders and helps them set up and finance their R&D projects. Teratec and the Essonne Chamber of Commerce and Industry provide them offices and support services on the Teratec Campus, an area dedicated to simulation and HPC.

Teratec helps companies, especially small and medium-sized businesses, gain access to the high-performance computing technologies they need to develop new products and services.

Teratec has joined forces with universities and major engineering schools to design programs in initial and continuing education that cover the entire spectrum of high performance simulation and modeling. The Teratec Forum is the annual leading HPC event in Europe, a gathering of international experts who meet to discuss the technological and economic issues around high performance computing and numerical simulation