Type : Small and Medium Enterprises

Technical Contact : Eric ABENIUS

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Address : Skalholtsgatan 10 B

Place : SE 16440 KISTA

Country : SWEDEN

Efield was founded in 2006 based on the result from the General Electromagnetic Solvers project run by the Parallel and Scientific Computing Institute at KTH and Uppsala University. Efield develops and sells a comprehensive suite of simulation software for large scale Computational Electromagnetics (CEM) problems, with the same name as the company.

Our customers are typically designers of complex products where electromagnetic properties are important. Application areas include antenna design, antenna integration, microwave design, EMI/EMC interaction and radar cross section (RCS) analysis.

Efield has solvers both in the frequency- and the time-domain integrated in a common user environment. Novel numerical methods based on domain decomposition and efficient hybrid techniques makes it possible to solve more complex problems than ever before in CEM. All solvers run efficiently on parallel computers using OpenMP and/or MPI