Organisation : BULL

Type : ITEA 2 Founding Company

Technical Contact : François VERBECK

E-mail :

Telephone : +33 130 803 148

Address : Rue Jean Jaurès


Country : FRANCE

BULL is a European leader in mission-critical digital systems. A rapidly evolving environment offers real opportunities for BULL, which is able to grow by emphasising and capitalising on its competitive differences. BULL operates in over 50 countries, with about 9 000 employees, with a particularly strong presence in the public, healthcare, finance, telecommunications, manufacturing and defence sectors.

BULL has a long history of R&D success, from the first mainframe computers in the 1960s and the invention of smart cards in the 1980s, to today's new generation of Extreme Computing solutions, large-scale computing 'power plants' (Cloud computing), Open Source middleware for service-oriented IT architectures and advanced security solutions.

Bulls offer is supported by its innovation capacity and its worldwide network of high-tech industrial partners. It is built around four axes and provides complete solutions:

  • Servers, the heart of Bulls business, includes the design, development, and the manufacturing of NovaScale Open servers and GCOS mainframes. Open servers is one component of the HPC Bulls offer.
  • The supply and implementation of secure infrastructure products and services, including notably solutions for storage, data warehousing, e-infrastructure, security and business continuity as well as architectural consulting services.
  • Application Services, including consulting, systems integration and outsourcing.
  • Support, operation and maintenance services for servers, applications and multi-vendor infrastructures. Bull accounts for over 100,000 servers installations: 70,000 Unix servers, 45,000 Intel-based servers and about 1,500 GCOS servers.

The HPC and Exascale Data domains have become a strategic direction of Bull and the results of the project wi ll be quickly integrated in its commercial offering especially for the future generation of Slurm that Bull delivers with its large HPC systems.

On the long-term, the objective of Bull is to create, with the Coloc project, market differentiators. The main areas are the efficient support of new job scheduler strategies, and better performance at node, interconnect and I/O level. With these differentiators, Bull aims at developing its market share in the supercomputer segment worldwide and especially in Europe. In its HPC development strategy, software is a key element, hence the Coloc project is essential for Bull.