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Communauté de communes de l'Arpajonnais

18 rue de Saint Arnoult
Tél.: +33 (0)1 69 26 18 60


Contact :
Directrice générale adjointe Aménagement et Développement du Territoire
Communauté de communes de l'Arpajonnais

The Arpajonnais territory has a potential of innovation. The Arpajonnais' federation of municipalities promots the development of the fabric of SMEs as well as the development of poles of competence such as the Renault technical in Lardy centre and the Teratec technopole in Bruyères-le-Châtel.

In this framework and since the birth of the project, the CCA “the Arpajonnais' federation of municipalities” supports the development of the Teratec campus and ecosystem which forms the pole of competence of Systematic Paris Region concerning digital simulation and high performance calculation.


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