> > Workshop1
Workshop 1 - Wednesday, June 29 from 9:00 to 12:30
Virtualization and HPC beyond the traditional HPC usage
Abstract : With extreme data and new data analytics, the attractiveness of HPC supercomputer resources or algorithms go beyond the common scientific community. To facilitate the use of the HPC technologies it is necessary to mutualize or support traditional and new computing environments on a common infrastructure.
This presentation investigates the challenge of the support of virtualization, cloud or bigdata frameworks on an HPC supercomputer (support of virtual machines or containers, impact of virtualization on performance, virtualization and rdma, resource management, security…).
Biography: Pascale Rossé-Laurent (female), Senior Architect in ATOS HPC Competence Centre is in charge of advanced technology and software analysis. She participate to ETP4HPC program. Until 2010, she was in charge of Software architecture of Bull HPC offer and of the Petaflop CEA-BULL research program during 2008-2010. She was also technical leader of Bull in the joint BULL-IBM software program on RS6000 SP2 platform. She obtained a Master of Artificial Intelligence (CERICS) before joining BULL.
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For any other information regarding the workshops, please contact :
Jean-Pascal JEGU
Tel : +33 (0)9 70 65 02 10
2, rue de la Piquetterie