Home > News Covid-19: Teratec members mobilize to overcome the crisis Facing the global Covid-19 Pandemic and the economic crisis affecting most sectors, many companies, members of Teratec, are engaging to propose initiatives with innovative, practical and operational solutions to better manage the crisis situation caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic. | ||||||||||||||
June 11, 2020 – As COVID-19 spreads, researchers, engineers and scientists are in a race against time. To fight this pandemic, scientists worldwide are running countless computer simulations to develop test kits and—hopefully—a vaccine. Unfortunately, these researchers often face barriers to running large-scale simulations including budget constraints and physical proximity to the necessary computing resources. Rescale, Microsoft Azure, and additional tech partners have come together to remove these barriers and give scientists a fighting chance. This new initiative, entitled “Tech Against COVID”, offers high performance computing (HPC) resources to anyone working in the fight against COVID-19 free of charge. This partnership goes beyond tech rivalries. It’s no longer about companies competing with companies—it’s about humanity competing with time. |
12 mai 2020 – L’INRIA qui pilote l’équipe-projet StopCovid, l’application mobile de recherche des contacts dans le cadre de la pandémie, vient de commencer à publier le Code Source et la documentation associée, permettant le développement collaboratif de cette application. Le projet prévoit l’analyse et l’intégration éventuelle des améliorations du code, soumises par la communauté des développeurs, ainsi que la publication régulière de mises à jour. |
May 12, 2020 – UCit is Distributor and expert in NICE solutions: DCV (Remote Visualization Protocol) and EnginFrame (HPC Web Portal). One of the many consequences of the pandemic is the impact it has on working methods. In order to support our customers, we put in place different facilities such as: free incremental licenses of 90 days for DCV to cover your exceptional needs, one hour of free Hotline with our technicians, free DCV demos for your new users, DCV “Fast Handling” training for your administrators
May 11, 2020 – In an urge to understand the molecular structure of the virus, over thirty worldwide scientists from six renowned institutions (Sorbonne Université, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Université de Limoges, University of Texas at Austin, University of North-Texas and Washington University in Saint Louis) lead by Jean-Philip Piquemal are collaborating to simulate and target the functional proteins of the #COVID19 virus. Such computer models will help scientists to design new drugs able to neutralize the coronavirus by preventing it from entering human cells or by blocking its internal machinery. |
May 11, 2020 – Atos brings its technology leadership, skills and solutions to the global fight against Covid-19.
Helping to contain the spread of the virus: Atos, thanks to its Epidemic Management System, EpiSYS, gives healthcare professionals a precise overview of an epidemiological situation by storing and managing all patient data and data related to the virus.
Mobilizing supercomputers performance: in France, the UK, the Czech Republic and Brazil, Atos’ high-performance computers are used for simulation, to build predictive models, analyze the progress of the disease or develop new treatments.
Providing business continuity: Atos offers an end-to-end range of solutions and services for home office while ensuring the security of any enterprise environment.
Calculateur Joliot-Curie au TGCC à Bruyères-le-Châtel © CEA |
May 7, 2020 – Since April 2020, new European research projects on the COVID-19 coronavirus benefit from millions of hours of computing resources on the Joliot-Curie machine (22 petaflop / s peak), made available by GENCI, at CEA TGCC ( Very Large Computing Centre - Très Grand Centre de Calcul). Before the projects are accepted by the European (PRACE) or national (DARI) authorities, the CEA / DAM Île-de-France teams carry out the technical expertise of these scientific projects. They then setup the software environments required to run the selected simulations. As part of the PRACE call for projects "Fast Track COVID-19", a first set of four projects will thus be carried out on Joliot-Curie, for a total allocation of 99 million hours, for the benefit of different European laboratories targeting a diversity of scientific objectives. To find out more Contact : CEA |
May 7, 2020 – If traditional approaches require years to design and approve medical devices, sometimes more than 10 years and a billion euros for pharmaceutical treatments, the Coronavirus pandemic makes these criteria obsolete. Time is critical but we cannot compromise with patient safety. Healthcare authorities and industries are turning to numerical or ‘in silico’ methods. Based on models widely used in the industry and largely validated by numerous publications, simulations contribute to quantifying and illustrating social distances, justifying and assessing the role of masks, accelerating decontamination processes, designing respirators in 2 weeks or increasing vaccine production capacities. |
6 mai 2020 – Covering the entire GATK (Genome Analysis Toolkit) pipeline, which is the industry standard for SNP (Single-nucleotide Polymorphism) identification and DNA comparisons, Parabricks takes advantage of GPU acceleration to reduce genomic analysis time by up to 50 times.
NVIDIA also offers the NVIDIA Clara Genomics open-source toolkit for the development of long read analysis pipelines; NVIDIA CLARA Genomics includes accelerated applications such as cudaMapper for mapping, cudaAligner for alignment, and integrations with Bonito for basic calling,
or Racon and Raven for assembly. All of these applications benefit from remarkable acceleration on the GPU. |
May 5, 2020 – The use of Cloud resources in the corporate world is now a given. Large-scale solutions are now reliable, robust and proven. Until now, simulation tools used to run on a dedicated "on-prem" infrastructure. As we become aware of the need to continue to develop new products and services to ensure business continuity, it becomes essential to be able to offer R&D engineers the means to model and simulate their assumption from a lightweight remote computer. AWS and Rescale allow you to launch CFD, Finite Elements or other calculations on demand without any upfront cost. AWS and Rescale are teaming up to allow you to put in practice HPC in the Cloud through a dedicated program and credits to run on their platforms. |
April 28, 2020 – Two of the most powerful supercomputers in France, Joliot-Curie, operated at the CEA’s supercomputing center (TGCC), and Occigen, operated at CPU’s supercomputing center (CINES), are providing urgent computing access to large computer resources to European research teams involved in the fight against COVID-19. The aim is to perform epidemiological studies of COVID-19 virus spread, understand its molecular structure and behavior and massively screen and test potential future molecules, to accelerate the search for an effective vaccine and support the global fight against the virus. Both supercomputers are based on Atos’ BullSequana platform, global leader in digital transformation. |
April 15, 2020 – ESI Group is joining Folding@Home project in the United States, making the computing power of its servers available to accelerate research on the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. ESI Group joined in March 2020 the fight to defeat COVID-19, combining their high-performance CPU and Graphics computing power with the Folding@Home network which is now pushing out an impressive 470 PetaFLOPS of raw compute power. Contributing to this project has provided an amazing look at the power of collaboration since the Folding@Home overall computational power now dwarfs the IBM SUMMIT supercomputer, considered as the fastest in the world, capable of 200 petaFLOPS, i.e. 1.88 billion calculations per second. |
April 15, 2020 – IBM Security is making some of our critical technologies, top threat intelligence information, and best practices for the remote workforce available to you at no charge. Our global team is available to virtually extend your security operations and share our expertise to optimize your security posture. |
7 avril 2020 – All life on Earth is coded through ribonucleic acid (RNA) or deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), two closely related macromolecules. In a way, we can say that there is only one type of life on Earth. Viruses are on the limit of what can be called life. They have RNA or DNA, but they cannot produce their own components, and they cannot reproduce outside another living cell.
In order to reproduce, a virus has to come in contact with a living cell, it has to fit in the host cell’s receptors, and it has to open the host cell’s membrane. The virus can then inject its RNA or DNA and hijack the host cell’s metabolism to produce new virus particles. |
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